My wordle is from The Biology Corner, a website with resources for biology
Cloud Computing Sites:
Popcorn Maker-Students and teachers may use this site to remix web videos, audio and images to create mashups that can be embedded into other websites.
Classconnect-Instructors may build, upload, collaborate, find and share lesson
Scitable-Scientists, teachers, students and experts collaborate and create a
large online library on subjects they choose. Popcorn maker lets students createa website about a subject they are currently studying. They are actively
involved in researching, analyzing and creating. Scitable lets teachers and students interact with scientists and experts. They get a chance to collaborate and
discuss authentic science. Classconnect allows teachers to more easily obtain
material and collaborate with other teachers, expanding access to material.
Social bookmarking is a way to collect and share a lot of information about a
topic. You may access it easily in one place. By using tags it is possible to
find what other people have collected. In the NMC Horizon Report 2011 K-12 it isstated that cloud computing saves resources. Social bookmarking lets students
and instructors find material that previously would have been harder, or
impossible, and more expensive to obtain. Students may see videos about topics
that are hard to visualize so instead of just reading about something they get tosee it too. Social bookmarking also allows collaboration among students.
Overall I think tags, social bookmarking and tag clouds let everyone find much
more classroom material than was possible in the past. It allows collaboration
and the opportunity to sometimes see an abstract topic in a video or other form
of presentation. I did not know about Pearltrees. It makes it so easy to store and retrieve information! In the NMC Horizon Report 2011 K-12 it is mentioned
that Northwestern University has created iLab Central, an authentic virtual
laboratory in the cloud which lets high school students of all socio-economic
backgrounds take part in experiments. This creates new opportunities for
students and helps hold down costs to schools.